Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blurred Sight But Multiple Visions: My Life With ... - My Very Healthy

Meet Jamellia, she?s a college student that has Retinitis Pigmentosa; a genetic eye condition that can lead to complete blindness. ? Improve Eyesight and Quality of Life by Taking Healing into Your Own Hands. Retinitis Pigmentosa Eye Exercise to Improve Eyesight This week?s blog was inspired by an email from one of our audience members who has Retinitis Pigmentosa and is working hard to improve his eyesight. However, he was unsure on some of the finer details in relation to the main eye exercise to help improve RP, which is the peripheral vision eye exercise. Those of you who do not know the peripheral vision eye exercise, it is when you individually place three different sized papers between the eyes and wave an object or your hands in the periphery. This allows the central vision to rest and prevents it from dominating your vision. Your brain then starts picking up the information from the periphery rather than your central vision. Over time, this strengthens the brain?s response to the periphery and the 120 million rods cells found in each eye. It is common for people to want to know how to position their hands when performing the peripheral vision eye exercise and whether they should be seeing the hands or not. For those of you who do not know, Retinitis Pigmentosa is where the rods cells found in the periphery start to lose their strength and in return, the periphery becomes more difficult to access. Somebody without RP can typically wave their hands next to their ears and still see them, whereas many people with Retinitis Pigmentosa could be waving their hands ?
Video Rating: 5 / 5


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